California Vehicle Codes
Explore the key provisions within the California Vehicle Code pertinent to car accident claims, ensuring a thorough understanding of relevant laws for effective legal representation.
Taking a Vehicle Without Consent
California Vehicle Code § 10851 makes it illegal to drive someone else’s car without their permission, also known as joyriding.
Driving Without a License in California
California Vehicle Code § 12500(a) makes it illegal to drive a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license.
Suspension of License for Road Rage
California Vehicle Code § 13210 permits the DMV to suspend your driver’s license for engaging in road rage, which involves aggressive or angry behaviors towards other drivers or pedestrians, including rude gestures, verbal insults, physical threats, and dangerous driving to intimidate others.
Driving on a Suspended License
California Vehicle Code § 14601 makes it illegal to drive a motor vehicle when your license is suspended or revoked.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked for DUI
California Vehicle Code § 14601.2(a) makes it illegal to drive a motor vehicle if your license has been suspended or revoked due to DUI or DUI causing injury.
Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License and Causing Injury
California Vehicle Code § 14601.4 makes it illegal to cause bodily injury while driving with a suspended or revoked license, constituting a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to 6 months in county jail.
Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License Caused by Refusal or Specified Blood Alcohol Level
California Vehicle Code § 14601.5(a) prohibits driving on a suspended or revoked license, particularly if the suspension or revocation resulted from refusing a chemical test or driving with excessive blood alcohol levels.
Failure to Exchange Info After an Accident
California Vehicle Code § 16025 requires individuals involved in auto accidents to exchange insurance information, including personal details such as name, address, driver’s license number, vehicle identification number, and owner’s address, with the only exception being incapacity due to the accident itself.
No Proof of Insurance
California Vehicle Code § 16028(a) requires all drivers operating motor vehicles on highways to provide proof of financial responsibility upon demand by a police officer.
Minimum Auto Liability Insurance Coverage
California Vehicle Code § 16056 requires motor vehicles registered in the state to maintain liability insurance with specified minimum coverage, including $15,000 for bodily injury per person, $30,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $5,000 for property damage to others.
Parental Liability for a Minor Driving in California
California Vehicle Code § 17707 holds parents liable for any damages caused by their minor child in an automobile accident, with joint and several liability applying to both parents and children once a parent signs the consent form allowing their minor child to drive.
Felony Hit and Run Causing Injury
California Vehicle Code § 20001(a) makes it a felony for the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to another person to fail to stop at the scene of the accident.
Misdemeanor Hit & Run
California Vehicle Code § 20002(a) makes it a misdemeanor for the driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in property damage to fail to stop at the nearest location to either locate and notify the owner of the damaged property or leave a written notice and promptly notify the police.
Rights and Duties on Roadways for Animal Riders
California Vehicle Code § 21050 states that anyone riding or driving an animal on a road must follow the same rules as drivers of vehicles, except for rules that don’t apply to them.
Exemption for Physicians Responding to Emergencies
California Vehicle Code § 21058 exempts a physician responding to an emergency call from certain traffic laws if their vehicle displays an approved insignia indicating it is owned by a licensed physician, but the driver must still drive safely and responsibly.
Compliance with Local Traffic Authority Directions
California Vehicle Code § 21100.3 prohibits disobeying traffic directions from a local traffic authority appointee wearing an official insignia while performing their duties.
Motor Vehicle Laws Applicable to Bicycle Riders
California Vehicle Code § 21200 imposes on bicyclists the same duties and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers, including following traffic signals, obeying speed limits, stopping at stop signs, and biking on the right-hand side of the road.
Cycling Under the Influence
California Vehicle Code § 21200.5 makes it unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon a highway while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any drug, or under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and any drug.
Bicyclists Riding on the Right-Hand Side of the Road
California Vehicle Code § 21202 requires bicyclists to ride as close to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway as possible, except when overtaking, preparing for a left turn, avoiding unsafe conditions, or approaching a place where a right turn is authorized.
Riding Bicycles Within Bike Lanes
California Vehicle Code § 21208 requires bicyclists to ride within established bike lanes, except when overtaking, preparing for a turn, avoiding hazardous conditions, or approaching a place where a right turn is authorized.
Driving on a Bike Lane in California
California Vehicle Code § 21209 prohibits motorists from driving on designated bike lanes, allowing such action only for specific purposes like entering or leaving the road, preparing for a turn at an intersection, or parking.
Parking Bicycles
California Vehicle Code § 21210 prohibits leaving a bicycle on its side on any sidewalk or parking it in a way that obstructs pedestrian traffic, with local authorities having the discretion to designate prohibited parking areas.
Bicycle Helmets Required for Riders Under 18
California Vehicle Code § 21212 mandates that individuals under 18 years of age must wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet meeting specific safety standards when operating bicycles, non-motorized scooters, skateboards, or in-line or roller skates on public roads or paths.
Compliance of Motorized Scooter Operators with Highway Traffic Laws
California Vehicle Code § 21221 prohibits operators of motorized scooters on highways from ignoring traffic laws applicable to vehicle drivers, including regulations on driving under the influence, with exceptions for rules not relevant to scooters.
Motorized Scooters Exempt From Some Vehicle Provisions
California Vehicle Code § 21224 exempts operators of motorized scooters from certain provisions related to financial responsibility, registration, and license plate requirements, considering them distinct from motor vehicles for these purposes.
Positioning Requirements for Motorized Scooter Operators on Highways
California Vehicle Code § 21228 requires motorized scooter riders to stay near the right curb on highways, except when passing, making left turns, or avoiding hazards, in which case they should dismount and cross as pedestrians.
Regulations for E-Scooter Riders in California
California Vehicle Code §21235 requires E-scooter riders under 18 to wear helmets, prohibits sidewalk riding except for parking, mandates possession of a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit, prohibits carrying passengers, and limits operation on roads with speed limits over 25 mph to designated bicycle lanes.
Requirements for Low-Speed Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21251 mandates that low-speed vehicles and their drivers comply with all regulations applicable to motor vehicles.
Modifications and Safety Standards for Low-Speed Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21254 specifies that if a low-speed vehicle is modified to exceed 25 miles per hour, it must meet federal safety standards for passenger vehicles instead of the relaxed standards for low-speed vehicles.
Restrictions and Exceptions for Low-Speed Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21260 prohibits the operation of a low-speed vehicle on roads with speed limits over 35 miles per hour, except for crossing at intersections with speed limits of 35 miles per hour or less and approved by the relevant traffic enforcement agency.
Local Regulation of Low-Speed Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21266 allows local authorities or law enforcement agencies to restrict or prohibit the use of low-speed vehicles within their jurisdiction for public safety, as indicated by posted signs.
Rider Rules for Segways
California Vehicle Code § 21281.5 requires Segway users to ride at safe speeds, considering weather, visibility, and pedestrian presence, while giving priority to pedestrian safety.
Guidelines for Green Traffic Signals
California Vehicle Code § 21451 directs drivers to proceed through or turn at a green light, yielding to pedestrians and other traffic, while pedestrians may cross at green lights but must yield to vehicles already in the intersection.
Interpreting Yellow Traffic Signals
California Vehicle Code § 21452 warns drivers and pedestrians that a yellow signal indicates the end of a green movement for drivers and insufficient time to cross for pedestrians.
Running a Red Light
California Vehicle Code § 21453 requires drivers to stop at a red traffic signal, either at the limit line or, if absent, before the crosswalk or intersection, and mandates a complete stop before executing a right turn on red or a left turn from a one-way street onto another one-way street.
Pedestrian Crossing Signals
California Vehicle Code § 21456 allows pedestrians to cross when the signal displays “WALK” or a walking symbol, permits crossing during a countdown signal, and prohibits crossing when the signal shows “DON’T WALK” or a raised hand symbol.
California’s Pedestrian Signal Law
California Vehicle Code § 21456 defines the signaling devices for pedestrians so the pedestrians know which signals allow them to walk or when they must wait for traffic to proceed.
Interpreting Flashing Traffic Signals
California Vehicle Code § 21457 states that when a red light flashes, drivers must stop and proceed only after yielding to traffic as at a stop sign, while flashing yellow lights indicate caution for drivers to proceed carefully.
Crossing Double Yellow Lines
California Vehicle Code § 21460 prohibits drivers from crossing double parallel lines on roadways, whether solid yellow or white, with exceptions such as overtaking or passing other vehicles when a broken line is present on the driver’s side.
Improper Turn from Two Way Left Turn Lane
California Vehicle Code § 21460.5 prohibits vehicles from using designated two-way left-turn lanes for any purpose other than preparing for or making a left turn from or into a highway, or making a U-turn where lawful, limiting the distance traveled in the lane to 200 feet during such maneuvers and prohibiting left or U-turns from any other lane where a two-way left-turn lane is designated.
Failure to Obey a Traffic Sign or Signal
California Vehicle Code § 21461(a) requires drivers to obey all traffic signs and signals, including regulatory and warning signs, as well as pavement markings.
Prohibitions and Penalties for Traffic Control Device Interference
California Vehicle Code § 21464 prohibits damaging or tampering with official traffic control devices, and unauthorized use of devices that interfere with traffic signals, with penalties including fines and potential imprisonment.
Right Hand Lane Violations in California
California Vehicle Code § 21650 requires vehicles to be driven on the right half of the roadway on all highways, with specific exceptions such as overtaking and passing other vehicles, making left turns, navigating construction zones, or when the roadway is restricted to one-way traffic.
Bicycle Travel Direction
California Vehicle Code § 21650.1 requires bicycles to be operated in the same direction as vehicles on the roadway or highway shoulder.
Operating a Bicycle On a Roadway
California Vehicle Code § 21650.1 requires bicyclists driving on the shoulder of a highway or roads to travel in the same direction as other motor vehicles.
Crossing a Divided Highway
California Vehicle Code § 21651(a) prohibits drivers from crossing over the dividing section on a divided highway unless using designated openings intended for vehicle use and from making certain turns on such divided highways.
Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road
California Vehicle Code § 21651(b) prohibits driving on the wrong side of the road, specifically mandating that vehicles must travel to the right of any intermittent barrier or dividing section separating opposing lanes of traffic.
Slow Vehicles Not Driving on the Right
California Vehicle Code § 21654 requires slow-moving vehicles to drive in the far right-hand lane of a roadway, defining slow-moving vehicles as those traveling at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at that time.
Carpool Lane Violations in California
California Vehicle Code § 21655.5 prohibits driving in a carpool lane without a passenger, also known as a “high-occupancy vehicle lane,” which is a designated lane reserved for vehicles carrying a specified number of occupants, typically two or more people.
Driving on Right Side of the Road
California Vehicle Code § 21656 states that slow moving vehicles must turn off the roadway at the nearest designated turnout when a line of five or more vehicles forms behind them if passing is unsafe.
Requiring Turnouts for Slow-Moving Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21656 requires slower-moving vehicles on two-lane highways with five or more trailing vehicles to yield at safe turnouts.
Lane Weaving & Lane Straddling
California Vehicle Code § 21658 makes it illegal to weave within a traffic lane or to straddle a marked line, with straddling defined as driving over a marked line rather than between two marked lines.
Unsafe Driving on 3-Lane Highway
California Vehicle Code § 21659 prohibits driving in the far-left lane of a three-lane roadway, except for overtaking, passing, or left turns, and restricts the use of the center lane to similar purposes or when designated exclusively for traffic in the vehicle’s direction with proper signage.
Passing Protocol for Opposite Directions
California Vehicle Code § 21660 mandates that drivers passing each other from opposite directions should pass to the right, allowing each other at least half of the roadway, unless lanes are divided.
Right-of-Way Protocol on Narrow Grades
California Vehicle Code § 21661 requires drivers descending narrow grades to yield to ascending vehicles, backing up if necessary to facilitate passing.
Mountain Highway Driving Protocol
California Vehicle Code § 21662 mandates that drivers maintain control on narrow roads or mountain highways, driving as close to the right edge as possible and sounding the horn near blind curves if the road lacks a marked centerline.
Driving on the Sidewalk
California Vehicle Code § 21663 prohibits motorists from driving on sidewalks, except when entering or leaving a property.
Vehicle Occupancy and View Obstruction Restrictions
California Vehicle Code § 21700 prohibits driving a vehicle if it’s overloaded or if there are too many passengers in the front seat, obstructing the driver’s view or control.
Interference with Vehicle Control
California Vehicle Code § 21701 prohibits intentionally interfering with a vehicle’s driver or its mechanisms in a way that affects the driver’s control, with exceptions for certain authorized individuals.
Limitation on Driving Hours
California Vehicle Code § 21702 restricts driving hours for drivers of vehicles transporting people for compensation to a maximum of 10 consecutive hours or 10 hours spread over 15 consecutive hours, and for drivers of vehicles transporting merchandise or property to a maximum of 12 consecutive hours or 12 hours spread over 15 consecutive hours.
Following Too Closely (Tailgating)
California Vehicle Code § 21703 prohibits drivers from following the vehicle in front too closely, mandating that they maintain a reasonable and prudent distance considering the speed, traffic, and condition of the roadway.
Emergency Vehicle Following Distance
California Vehicle Code § 21706 prohibits motor vehicles, except authorized emergency vehicles, from following within 300 feet of any authorized emergency vehicle.
Driving Through a Safety Zone
California Vehicle Code § 21709 prohibits motorists from driving through safety zones, which are marked areas designated for pedestrians, such as bus loading and unloading zones.
Coasting in Neutral in California
California Vehicle Code § 21710 prohibits drivers from coasting downhill with the gears of their vehicle in neutral, applying to both commercial and non-commercial drivers.
Unlawful Riding in a Vehicle
California Vehicle Code § 21712 prohibits allowing passengers to ride in parts of the vehicle not designated for passengers, in the trunk, or in a vehicle being towed.
Lane Marking and Lane Splitting Restrictions
California Vehicle Code § 21714 prohibits driving on or near lane markings, and between vehicles in adjacent lanes.
Golf Cart Highway Restrictions
California Vehicle Code § 21716 prohibits operating a golf cart on any highway except in speed zones of 25 miles per hour or less.
Regulations for Freeway Stopping and Parking
California Vehicle Code § 21718 prohibits stopping, parking, or leaving a vehicle on a freeway except in specified circumstances, such as to avoid injury or damage, in obedience to a peace officer, or for maintenance or construction purposes.
Overtaking on the Left
California Vehicle Code § 21750 requires drivers who are overtaking another vehicle traveling in the same direction to pass on the left side while maintaining a safe distance.
Passing Without Sufficient Clearance
California Vehicle Code § 21751 prohibits drivers from overtaking other vehicles when there isn’t enough space, allowing passing only when moving into the left lane with clear visibility and no oncoming traffic.
Driving on Left Side of Roadway
California Vehicle Code § 21752 prohibits drivers from overtaking and passing on the left in specific circumstances, including when visibility is obstructed on a curve, crest of a grade, near a bridge, viaduct, tunnel, railroad grade crossing, or intersection, but not on a one-way roadway.
Failure to Yield for Passing Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21753 requires drivers being overtaken to safely move to the right-hand side of the highway after an audible signal or a brief flash of headlights by the overtaking vehicle, without accelerating until fully passed, and without necessitating driving on the shoulder of the highway.
Overtaking and Passing on the Right
California Vehicle Code § 21754 permits drivers to pass on the right under specific conditions, including when the vehicle being overtaken is making or about to make a left turn, on highways with unobstructed pavement in business or residence districts, on one-way streets, and on divided highways with restricted one-way traffic on each roadway.
Passing on the Right Safely
California Vehicle Code § 21755 prohibits motorists from passing other vehicles on the right unless it can be done safely, explicitly forbidding passing by driving on the right-side shoulder of the road, with exceptions for bicycles in bicycle lanes or on shoulders.
Passing Buses Safely
California Vehicle Code § 21756 permits vehicles to pass buses or streetcars stopped at a safety zone to receive or discharge passengers, but only at a speed not exceeding 10 miles per hour.
Passing Slow Moving Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 21758 permits overtaking slow-moving vehicles on grades under specific conditions, requiring the overtaking vehicle to maintain a speed of at least 10 miles per hour faster than the vehicle being passed and complete the passing maneuver within a distance not exceeding one-quarter of a mile.
Vehicle Approach Protocol for Horse-Drawn and Livestock
California Vehicle Code § 21759 mandates that drivers approaching horse-drawn vehicles, ridden animals, or livestock must maintain control, reduce speed, or stop if signaled to prevent frightening or endangering the animals and ensure everyone’s safety.
Failure to Yield at an Intersection
California Vehicle Code § 21800 requires drivers approaching an intersection to yield the right-of-way to vehicles that have already entered the intersection from a different highway.
Failure to Yield When Making a Left or U-Turn
California Vehicle Code § 21801 requires drivers making a left turn or U-turn to yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic until the turn can be safely completed.
Failure to Yield at a Stop Sign
California Vehicle Code § 21802 requires drivers approaching a stop sign at an intersection to come to a complete stop, yield the right-of-way to vehicles from other highways or those posing an immediate hazard, and continue yielding until they can proceed safely, except when stop signs are erected on all approaches.
Failure to Yield at a Yield Sign
California Vehicle Code § 21803 requires drivers approaching intersections controlled by yield signs to yield the right-of-way to vehicles already in the intersection or approaching closely enough to pose an immediate hazard, and to continue yielding until they can proceed safely.
Failure to Yield When Entering a Highway from an Alley or Driveway
California Vehicle Code § 21804 requires drivers entering a highway from an alley or driveway to yield the right-of-way to approaching traffic until they can proceed safely.
Equestrian Crossing Regulations
California Vehicle Code § 21805 permits the Department of Transportation and local authorities to mark intersections as equestrian crossings, where drivers must yield to horseback riders, emphasizing safety for both drivers and riders.
Failure to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle
California Vehicle Code § 21806 requires drivers to yield to emergency vehicles with sirens and at least one visible red light by driving to the right-hand edge of the road and stopping until the emergency vehicle has passed.
Failure to Yield to a Pedestrian in California
California Vehicle Code § 21950 requires drivers to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk, with pedestrians still obligated to exercise due care for their own safety.
Pedestrian Right-of-Way at Sidewalks
California Vehicle Code § 21952 requires drivers of motor vehicles to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians approaching any sidewalk before driving over or upon it.
Pedestrians Outside Crosswalk
California Vehicle Code § 21954 requires pedestrians outside marked or unmarked crosswalks to yield the right-of-way to approaching vehicles close enough to pose an immediate hazard, with drivers still obligated to exercise due care for pedestrian safety on the roadway.
California Vehicle Code § 21955 allows pedestrians to cross roadways between adjacent intersections outside of crosswalks, also known as jaywalking, without incurring fines or criminal penalties, unless there is an immediate chance of a collision.
Prohibition of Soliciting Rides on Roadways
California Vehicle Code § 21957 prohibits standing in a roadway to solicit a ride from any vehicle driver.
Turning on Roadways
California Vehicle Code § 22100 requires drivers to approach right turns near the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and approach left turns near the left-hand edge of the extreme left-hand lane, without initiating the turn before entering the intersection.
Illegal U-Turns
California Vehicle Code § 22100.5 allows drivers to make U-turns at controlled intersections from the far left-hand lane unless there is a “no U-turn” sign.
Illegal U-Turn in a Business District
California Vehicle Code § 22102 prohibits drivers from making U-turns within a business district, defined as an area where at least 50 percent of the property bordering the street is occupied by businesses accessible from the road, except at intersections or on divided highways with openings.
Unsafe Starting or Backing
California Vehicle Code § 22106 prohibits drivers from starting a vehicle that is stopped on a highway or street, or backing a vehicle onto a highway or street, unless it can be done with reasonable safety.
Unsafe Lane Change
California Vehicle Code § 22107 prohibits turning or changing lanes on a roadway until it can be done safely and only after signaling.
Failure to Signal Before Turning or Changing Lanes
California Vehicle Code § 22108 requires drivers to signal their intention to turn or change lanes by giving a continuous signal for at least 100 feet before executing the maneuver.
Safety Measures for School Bus Stops
California Vehicle Code § 22112 requires school bus drivers to activate amber warning lights 200 feet before a stop, use red lights and stop signal arms when loading or unloading, and activate safety measures only where traffic is uncontrolled, following designated stops, and under specified conditions.
Driving Over 100 MPH on a Freeway
California Vehicle Code § 22348(b) makes it illegal to drive over 100 miles per hour on a freeway, punishable by fines ranging from $500 to $1000 for first-time offenders, and subsequent convictions may result in increased fines and a suspended license.
Speeding Over 65 MPH
California Vehicle Code § 22349(a) prohibits driving on a highway at a speed greater than 65 miles per hour, except where otherwise posted.
Speeding on Two-Lane Undivided Highways
California Vehicle Code § 22349(b) prohibits driving over 55 miles per hour on two-lane, undivided highways, unless a higher speed limit is posted.
California’s Basic Speed Law
California Vehicle Code § 22350, known as the basic speed law, prohibits driving faster than is safe under the conditions, considering factors like weather, traffic, and road conditions.
Prima Facie Speed Limits
California Vehicle Code § 22352 sets the speed limit at 15 mph for alleys, railway crossings, and intersections where visibility is obstructed, and 25 mph in business or residential areas, near schools, and senior centers unless otherwise indicated by signs.
Speeding on the Freeway
California Vehicle Code § 22354 allows the State to set speed limits lower than 65 miles per hour on freeways, and driving faster than these posted limits constitutes excessive speeding.
Driving Over 70 Miles per Hour on Freeway
California Vehicle Code § 22356(b) establishes a maximum speed limit of 70 miles per hour for driving on freeways.
Speeding in a Construction Zone
California Vehicle Code § 22362 states that driving over the speed limit within 400 feet of a construction zone is a violation of the basic speeding law, with speed limits as low as 25 miles per hour in these zones.
Minimum Speed Violations
California Vehicle Code § 22400 prohibits driving at a speed that impedes or blocks the normal flow of traffic on highways, unless the reduced speed is necessary for safety or compliance with the law.
Speeding on a Bridge or Tunnel
California Vehicle Code § 22405 prohibits driving at a speed on any bridge, elevated structure, tube, or tunnel that exceeds the maximum safe speed for that structure.
Trucks Speeding Over 55 Miles per Hour
California Vehicle Code § 22406(a) prohibits drivers of trucks, buses, and specified vehicles from exceeding 55 miles per hour on California highways.
Running a Stop Sign in California
California Vehicle Code § 22450 requires drivers to come to a complete stop at stop signs and railway crossings before proceeding.
Railroad or Rail Transit Grade Crossings
California Vehicle Code § 22451 requires pedestrians and vehicles to stop at least 15 feet from railways and only proceed when it is safe to do so. Electronic signal devices or flagmen must warn motorists of cars or trains approaching.
Railroad Crossing Safety Regulations
California Vehicle Code § 22451 requires drivers and pedestrians to stop at least 15 feet from a railroad crossing when a signal warns of an approaching train or when a train is visible or audible, and prohibits crossing gates from being passed while closed.
Passing a Stopped School Bus with Flashing Red Signals in California
California Vehicle Code § 22454(a) prohibits drivers from passing stopped school buses displaying flashing red signals, requiring them to come to a complete stop until the signals stop flashing.
Improper Parking, Stopping or Standing
California Vehicle Code § 22500 prohibits stopping, parking, or leaving a vehicle within an intersection or crosswalk.
California Impound & Towing Laws
California Vehicle Code § 22651 authorizes the towing and impounding of vehicles for various reasons, including parking illegally on private property or blocking entrances, and it allows peace officers or designated employees to remove vehicles in certain situations such as obstruction of traffic or unsafe parking.
Reckless Driving
California Vehicle Code § 23103 prohibits reckless driving, defined as operating a vehicle with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others or property.
Reckless Driving Causing Injury
California Vehicle Code § 23104 establishes penalties for reckless driving resulting in bodily injury to another person, constituting a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail and fines of up to $1,000.00.
Reckless Driving Causing Serious Injury
California Vehicle Code § 23105 makes it a crime to drive recklessly and cause an accident resulting in serious injuries, such as loss of consciousness, fractures, or severe wounds, punishable by imprisonment or fines.
Speed Contests
California Vehicle Code § 23109(a) prohibits participating in speed contests, such as street racing or drag racing, on public roads.
Prohibitions on Throwing Objects at Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 23110 prohibits throwing objects at vehicles or occupants on a highway, punishable as a misdemeanor or felony based on intent.
Prohibition of Throwing Flammable Objects
California Vehicle Code § 23111 prohibits throwing any lit or unlit cigarette, cigar, match, or flaming substance from a vehicle or onto a road, highway, or adjacent area.
Highway Littering and Dumping Regulations
California Vehicle Code § 23112 prohibits throwing or depositing any objects or substances on highways, endangering traffic or causing offense, and also prohibits placing rocks, garbage, or dirt on highways without proper authority.
Restrictions on Riding in Pickup Trucks on Highways
California Vehicle Code § 23116 prohibits driving a pickup truck or flatbed motortruck on a highway with any person in or on the back of the truck, unless secured with an approved restraint system.
Safe Transportation of Animals in Motor Vehicles
California Vehicle Code § 23117 prohibits transporting animals in the back of a motor vehicle on a highway unless specific safety measures are met, with exceptions for certain types of transportation.
California’s Cell Phone Law
California Vehicle Code § 23123 prohibits driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless it’s hands-free and configured for such use.
Restrictions on Handheld Device Use While Driving
California Vehicle Code § 23123.5 prohibits driving while holding and operating a handheld wireless phone or electronic device unless it’s voice-operated and hands-free, or mounted in a specific way allowing single swipe or tap operation.
Cell Phone Tickets for Minors in California
California Vehicle Code § 23124 prohibits individuals under the age of 18 from using cell phones or handheld electronic devices while driving.
Driving on Trails or Paths
California Vehicle Code § 23127 prohibits driving “unauthorized vehicles” on trails and paths, which includes any motor vehicle driven on hiking or horseback riding trails or bicycle paths without explicit written permission from an authorized agent or owner.
Snowmobile Operation Restrictions
California Vehicle Code § 23128 prohibits operating a snowmobile on highways, or in a careless or negligent manner, or for harassing animals.
“Zero Tolerance” Underage DUI
California Vehicle Code § 23136 prohibits individuals under 21 from driving with any detectable alcohol in their system, regardless of impairment, as measured by a preliminary alcohol screening test or other chemical test.
Underage DUI With a BAC of 0.05 or Higher
California Vehicle Code § 23140 prohibits individuals under 21 from driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .05% or higher.
Driving Under the Influence in California
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense that endangers countless lives every year. If a DUI driver caused your accident and injuries, their violation of California Vehicle Code 23152a could serve as critical evidence in your car accident case. You deserve to hold them accountable and recover compensation for the…
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
California Vehicle Code § 23152(a) prohibits driving while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or a combination thereof.
Driving with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% or More
California Vehicle Code § 23152(b) makes it illegal to drive a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or more, regardless of actual impairment.
Driving While Addicted to Drugs
California Vehicle Code § 23152(c) considers driving while addicted to drugs as a form of DUI, with penalties applying unless participating in an approved drug treatment program.
Commercial Vehicle DUI in California
California Vehicle Code § 23152(d) prohibits driving a commercial motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04% or higher, with a presumption of intoxication if a chemical test taken within three hours of driving shows a BAC at or above 0.04%.
DUI by Uber Lyft, Taxi or Limo Drivers
California Vehicle Code § 23152(e) prohibits taxi, limo, and ride-sharing drivers from operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04% or higher when a paying passenger is in the vehicle.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
California Vehicle Code § 23152(f) prohibits driving under the influence of drugs (DUID).
Driving Under the Influence of a Combination of Alcohol and Drugs Laws in California
California Vehicle Code § 23152(g) makes it illegal to drive a vehicle while under the combined influence of alcohol and drugs.
DUI Causing Injury in California
California Vehicle Code § 23153(a) prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol and causing bodily injury to someone by committing a related offense or failing to fulfill driving duties.
Drinking While Driving
California Vehicle Code § 23220 prohibits drinking alcohol, smoking, or using marijuana while driving or riding as a passenger.
Drinking Alcohol or Smoking Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle
California Vehicle Code § 23221 prohibits drinking alcohol or consuming marijuana while driving a motor vehicle on a California highway, applying to both drivers and passengers.
Possessing Marijuana While Driving
California Vehicle Code § 23222(b) prohibits drivers from possessing an open container of cannabis or cannabis products while operating a motor vehicle.
Open Containers Prohibited
California Vehicle Code § 23223 prohibits possessing open alcoholic containers while driving or riding in a vehicle on highways.
Possession of Alcohol in a Vehicle by a Person Under 21
California Vehicle Code § 23224(b) prohibits minors under 21 from possessing alcoholic beverages while riding in a motor vehicle.
Second DUI Offense Within 10 Years
California Vehicle Code § 23540 imposes additional penalties for a second DUI conviction within 10 years of a prior DUI conviction, including imprisonment, fines, and license suspension.
4th Time DUI
California Vehicle Code § 23550 defines the fourth-time DUI offense, where a person is convicted of a DUI within 10 years of three or more prior DUI convictions, leading to potential felony charges and up to 3 years of state prison time.
DUI With Child Under 14 in Car
California Vehicle Code § 23572 imposes enhanced penalties, including a mandatory 48-hour jail sentence for a first DUI offense, if convicted of driving under the influence with a child under the age of 14 in the vehicle, with increased jail time for subsequent offenses.
DUI Penalties for Excessive BAC or Test Refusal
California Vehicle Code § 23578 allows courts to impose enhanced penalties in DUI cases involving a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.15% or higher or a refusal to undergo a breath or urine test.
DUI Speed Sentencing Enhancement
California Vehicle Code § 23582 is a California DUI “sentencing enhancement” law that mandates an additional and consecutive 60-day jail term for drivers convicted of DUI, driving over 30 mph on a freeway or 20 mph on other roads over the speed limit, and driving recklessly.
DUI Chemical Test Refusal Penalty
California Vehicle Code § 23612 requires drivers arrested for DUI to submit to a breath or blood test, with failure to comply resulting in a minimum one-year license suspension, and refusal or failure to complete the test leading to additional penalties.
Operating an Unsafe Vehicle
California Vehicle Code § 24002 prohibits drivers in California from operating an unsafe or unlawfully equipped vehicle, emphasizing the importance of vehicle safety and proper equipment.
Driving Without Headlights
California Vehicle Code § 24250 makes it unlawful in California for motorists to drive in the dark without headlights, requiring vehicles to have appropriate lighting equipment during nighttime travel.
Failure to Dim High Beam Headlights
California Vehicle Code § 24409 requires drivers to switch from high beam to low beam headlights when approaching or following other vehicles, ensuring safe visibility without causing glare to oncoming or preceding drivers.
California Seat Belt Law
California Vehicle Code § 27315 requires all occupants aged 8 and older in a moving motor vehicle to wear a safety belt, with exceptions for certain medical conditions.
California Child Restraint Law
California Vehicle Code § 27360 requires children under eight years of age to be securely seated in a child passenger restraint system in the rear seat of a motor vehicle, and those under two years of age to be placed in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system, subject to certain weight or height exemptions.
Seat Belts for Children 8 Through 15
California Vehicle Code § 27360.5 requires drivers to ensure that child passengers between the ages of 8 and 15 are properly secured with seat belts, except when the child’s parents or legal guardians are present in the vehicle but not the driver.
Headsets or Earphones While Driving
California Vehicle Code § 27400 prohibits drivers and cyclists from wearing headsets or earplugs covering both ears while operating a vehicle or bike, with some exceptions.
Bald Tire Violations in California
California Vehicle Code § 27465(b) makes it illegal to drive a vehicle on highways with tires that have worn treads below the required depth, except for temporary use on disabled vehicles.
California Motorcycle Helmet Laws
California Vehicle Code § 27803 requires both motorcycle drivers and passengers to wear safety helmets while riding.
Evading a Police Officer in a Vehicle
California Vehicle Code § 2800.1 makes it illegal to intentionally try to escape from a pursuing police officer while driving, punishable by up to a year in jail, a $1,000 fine, and potential vehicle impoundment.
Felony Reckless Evading
California Vehicle Code § 2800.2 makes it a felony to recklessly evade a pursuing police officer while driving a motor vehicle, punishable by up to three years in jail or prison.
Evading an Officer Causing Injury or Death
California Vehicle Code § 2800.3 requires severe penalties for evading a law enforcement officer in a motor vehicle, resulting in injury or death to another person.
Failure to Comply with CHP Rules by a Commercial Vehicle
California Vehicle Code § 34506.3 requires commercial drivers to adhere to regulations established by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) regarding various aspects including driver hours, hazardous material transportation, and school bus operations.
Vehicle with Excessive Length in California
California Vehicle Code § 34506.3 requires compliance with regulations established by the California Highway Patrol, with non-compliance constituting an infraction unless specified otherwise.
Overweight Vehicle Violations in California
California Vehicle Code § 35551 outlines weight limits for commercial vehicles, specifying maximum gross weights based on axle configurations, with penalties for exceeding these limits.
Disobeying a Sign, Signal or Traffic Control Device
California Vehicle Code § 38300 prohibits drivers from disregarding any traffic sign, signal, or control device lawfully placed by federal, state, or local authorities.
Arrests for Traffic Violations
California Vehicle Code § 40302 requires drivers to be arrested and brought before a magistrate if they fail to present both their ID and their face, refuse to provide a written promise to appear in court, or are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Requirement to Present Vehicle Registration
California Vehicle Code § 4462.5 makes it a misdemeanor for a driver to present police with a registration card or display license plates not issued for the vehicle they are driving.
Driving with Expired Registration
California Vehicle Code § 5204 requires individuals to display current registration tabs on the rear license plate of their vehicles, with violations resulting in an infraction and a fine of $197.