Legal Driving Laws

Who Has the Right-of-Way in a Traffic Circle?

Shows a graphic photo on Who Has the Right-Of-Way in a Traffic Circle

In a California traffic circle, vehicles already circulating within the circle have the right-of-way. Vehicles entering the circle must yield to circulating traffic before proceeding.

Who Has the Right of Way in a Parking Lot?

Vehicle parked in lot with question mark. Who has right of way in parking area?

In parking lots, vehicles in driving lanes have the right of way over those in parking spaces. Always yield to oncoming traffic when exiting a spot. If unsure, it’s safest to let cars and pedestrians pass to avoid accidents.

What To Do in a Hit and Run?

Picture of a person running away from a car accident representing a hit and run.

In California, hit-and-run laws require stopping, sharing info, and aiding any injured. Penalties vary by accident severity. Seek legal aid for compensation.