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Personal Injury Blog

The latest car accident and personal injury law insights and opinions.

Motorcycle Accident

What is the Most Common Type of Collision Between Cars and Motorcycles?
Motorcycle Accident
9 min read
What is the Most Common Type of Collision Between Cars and Motorcycles?

Left-turn accidents at intersections are the most common collisions between cars and motorcycles, often due to visibility issues.

Kevin Crockett
February 9, 2024
Overturned motorcycle and helmet on the street after collision with a car
Motorcycle Accident
3 min read
Motorcycle Accidents: What Causes Them?

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned rider, it’s important to understand the potential dangers that come with hitting the open road on two wheels. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in California. Remember that an experienced Moreno Valley motorcycle accident lawyer is your best ally in protecting…

Kevin Crockett
September 19, 2023
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Motorcycle Accident
5 min read
The California Lane Splitting Law: Understanding Speed Limitations

Last month, a California Highway Patrol officer witnessed a motorcyclist safely splitting lanes along the I-10 during rush hour traffic. Approaching slowed vehicles between lanes at no more than 10 mph faster than traffic flow, the rider seamlessly merged back before reaching the patrol vehicle. This scene highlights responsible lane splitting in action – a…

Kevin Crockett
August 14, 2023
Man on the street after fatal car and motorcycle accident
Motorcycle Accident
4 min read
Can You File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit If You Were Not Wearing a Helmet?

Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience, but it’s no secret that it also comes with its fair share of risks. Unfortunately, accidents happen and sometimes they result in serious injuries. If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident and were not wearing a helmet at the time, you may be wondering if you…

Kevin Crockett
August 9, 2023
Man on the street after fatal car and motorcycle accident
Motorcycle Accident
4 min read
The Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Are you a motorcycle enthusiast? As thrilling as riding on two wheels can be, it is important to remember that motorcycles are also one of the most dangerous forms of transportation. In the event of an accident, motorcyclists are at a much higher risk of serious injury or even death than those traveling in cars…

Kevin Crockett
June 20, 2023

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