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The latest car accident and personal injury law insights and opinions.

Car Accident

multi car pileup
Car Accident
4 min read
Who Is Liable in a Multi-Car Pileup in California?

Car accidents are always stressful, and wrecks that involve multiple vehicles are some of the most dangerous. Multi-car pileups happen more often than you might think and can be caused by various factors, such as bad weather conditions or reckless driving. Determining who is liable in a pileup crash can be challenging because of California’s pure…

Kevin Crockett
July 13, 2023
Two cars after a car accident
Car Accident
4 min read
The Most Dangerous Types of Car Accidents

Car accidents can be devastating, causing severe injuries and even fatalities. No matter how careful you are on the road, there’s always a risk of being involved in an accident due to someone else’s negligence or recklessness. While all car accidents have the potential to cause harm, some types are more dangerous than others. This…

Kevin Crockett
June 13, 2023
Photo of a woman holding her neck after the accident
Car Accident
4 min read
Delayed Car Accident Injuries: How to Get the Compensation You Deserve

You might have walked away from a car accident feeling fine, but two days later, you wake up with unbearable pain. This is not uncommon as delayed car accident injuries can surface hours or even days or weeks after an accident. Unfortunately, insurance companies may try to dismiss these injuries and offer less compensation than…

Kevin Crockett
May 26, 2023
Car Accident
4 min read
Can You Sue for Damages if You’re the Rear Driver in a Rear-End Collision?

You can go online and search to find out who is at fault in a rear-end collision. Nine times out of ten, you’ll find that the rear driver is almost always at fault. However, our car accident lawyers in Palm Springs know for a fact that this isn’t always the case. Even if you were…

Kevin Crockett
April 20, 2023
Car Accident
4 min read
Santa Ana Car Accident Lawyer: Can You Sue if Your Driver’s License is Suspended or Revoked?

It is against the law to drive without a valid license in California. If your license was suspended or revoked, you should have taken the steps to fix it. However, as your Santa Ana car accident lawyer will tell you, you still have rights if you’re hurt in an accident. Accident victims with a revoked…

Kevin Crockett
April 13, 2023
Car Accident
4 min read
Can You Still Collect Damages if You Don’t Have Car Insurance?

Most people our car accident lawyers in Santa Ana represent had car insurance at the time of their collision. However, there are times when an accident victim without insurance comes to see us. While we do our best to get all our clients the compensation they deserve, there are more difficulties if you don’t have…

Kevin Crockett
March 23, 2023

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