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Personal Injury Blog

The latest car accident and personal injury law insights and opinions.


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Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Car Accident
6 min read
What Counts As A Car Accident?

Understanding car accidents: causes, impacts, legalities. Seek legal aid if needed. Text Kevin Accident Attorneys can assist.

Kevin Crockett
February 6, 2024
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Car Accident
6 min read
How Often Do Car Accident Cases Go To Court

Car accident cases often settle out of court due to insurance companies' preference and
legal complexities.

Kevin Crockett
December 18, 2023
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Car Accident
5 min read
Understanding What to Do When Being Sued for a Car Accident

When you’re sued for a car accident, it’s crucial to grasp the full scope of what’s at stake. This section aims to shed light on the legal complexities and potential repercussions of being involved in such a lawsuit. It’s not just about the immediate legal battle; it’s about understanding how this lawsuit can impact your…

Kevin Crockett
November 29, 2023
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Car Accident
6 min read
Unable to Work After Car Accident

Car accidents often bring unexpected challenges, significantly affecting one’s professional life. The ability to work, a cornerstone of daily routine and financial stability, can be severely impacted. This article delves into the physical injuries and psychological trauma that car accidents can cause, highlighting their profound effect on work performance. For those grappling with these challenges,…

Kevin Crockett
November 29, 2023
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Car Accident
6 min read
Soft Tissue Damage Car Accident Settlement

Car accidents can lead to various injuries, with soft tissue damage being a common yet often overlooked consequence. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of soft tissue injuries, their types, symptoms, and the impact they can have on an individual’s life. Factoid About Soft Tissue Injuries Type of Injury Description Common Treatment Contusions…

Kevin Crockett
November 29, 2023
Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Car Accident
4 min read
Who Is at Fault in a 3 Car Rear-end Collision in California?

When a driver rear-ends a stopped car at a light and pushes them into the vehicle ahead, fault determination gets tricky. This common multi-car accident scenario creates a complex legal web as injuries and claims mount. Unraveling liability when a chain reaction rear-ending involves 3 vehicles can be unclear. How does California law assign blame…

Kevin Crockett
November 27, 2023

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