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Personal Injury Blog

The latest car accident and personal injury law insights and opinions.


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Pedestrians Comprise What Ratio of Traffic Fatalities
Pedestrian Accident
7 min read
Pedestrians Comprise What Ratio of Traffic Fatalities

Traveling by car, bike, or foot is crucial but risky, with pedestrians facing high dangers; caution urged.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
How Much Following Distance Should You Leave Between Your Vehicle and a Motorcycle?
Motorcycle Accident
8 min read
How Much Following Distance Should You Leave Between Your Vehicle and a Motorcycle?

Maintaining safe distance from motorcycles is crucial to avoid accidents, even in traffic, and legal advice can guide on proper distances.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
What Precautions Should be Taken By a Driver When Traveling Near a Motorcycle?
Motorcycle Accident
8 min read
What Precautions Should be Taken By a Driver When Traveling Near a Motorcycle?

Motorcycles are vulnerable on the road; drivers should be extra cautious around them to prevent accidents.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
When is it Too Late to Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
Car Accident
7 min read
When is it Too Late to Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

It’s never too late to hire a lawyer after a car accident, but sooner is better for building a strong case.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
What Does Whiplash Look Like on MRI?
Car Accident
7 min read
What Does Whiplash Look Like on MRI?

Car accidents can cause whiplash; get medical attention and legal help to recover compensation for your injuries.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?
Car Accident
5 min read
What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collision settlements vary widely due to factors like injury severity and insurance, ranging from a few hundred to over $20,000.

Kevin Crockett
March 8, 2024

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Kevin Crockett

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