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Driving Laws

California Driving Laws for Senior Citizens
Accidents Car Accident Driving Laws
6 min read
California Driving Laws for Senior Citizens

California has specific laws in place for senior citizens who want to continue driving. These regulations are designed to ensure both the safety of the seniors and those they share the road with. Aging can bring changes to vision, reaction time, and physical strength, making it important for the state to enforce certain requirements that…

Kevin Crockett
September 25, 2024
Who Has the Right-of-Way in a Traffic Circle?
Driving Laws
7 min read
Who Has the Right-of-Way in a Traffic Circle?

In a California traffic circle, vehicles already circulating within the circle have the right-of-way. Vehicles entering the circle must yield to circulating traffic before proceeding.

Kevin Crockett
June 7, 2024
What Is the Procedure To Safely Navigate This Intersection With a Broken Traffic Signal?
Driving Laws
7 min read
What Is the Procedure To Safely Navigate This Intersection With a Broken Traffic Signal?

Come to a complete stop as if facing a red light, treat the intersection as a four-way stop, and yield to vehicles and pedestrians according to right-of-way rules.

Kevin Crockett
June 7, 2024
What Does a Slow-Moving Vehicle Sign Look Like?
Driving Laws
8 min read
What Does a Slow-Moving Vehicle Sign Look Like?

The Slow-Moving Vehicle (SMV) sign is a fluorescent orange triangle with a red reflective border. It warns approaching drivers to slow down for vehicles moving at 25 mph or less.

Kevin Crockett
June 7, 2024
If You Are the Driver or Owner of a Vehicle Which Is in a Crash
Driving Laws
7 min read
If You Are the Driver or Owner of a Vehicle Which Is in a Crash

Once you are involved in a car crash, it is important to seek help for any injury you might have sustained, assist other injured passengers, and also gather sufficient evidence from the accident scene to help show that you are not at fault.

Kevin Crockett
June 7, 2024
If Two Vehicles Approach an Uncontrolled Intersection at About the Same Time, Who Must Yield?
Driving Laws
8 min read
If Two Vehicles Approach an Uncontrolled Intersection at About the Same Time, Who Must Yield?

If two vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection at about the same time the vehicle on the left must yield to the one on the right.

Kevin Crockett
June 7, 2024

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