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The latest car accident and personal injury law insights and opinions.

Driving Laws

When Passing Another Vehicle, When is It Acceptable to Drive Over the Speed Limit?
Driving Laws
7 min read
When Passing Another Vehicle, When is It Acceptable to Drive Over the Speed Limit?

Passing slower drivers legally allowed, but never over speed limit, even for passing; laws impact accident claims, driving safety.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
What Happens if You Drive Without a License and Get Into an Accident?
Driving Laws
7 min read
What Happens if You Drive Without a License and Get Into an Accident?

If you’re in an accident without a license, you may face penalties, but you can still seek compensation if you weren’t at fault.

Kevin Crockett
April 4, 2024
When Turning Left at an Intersection (How To)
Driving Laws
6 min read
When Turning Left at an Intersection (How To)

Making a left turn at intersections involves signaling, observing traffic and pedestrians, and following traffic signs for safety and compliance.

Kevin Crockett
March 8, 2024
Picture of motorcycle and car driving representing when a motorcycle has the right of way in california
Driving Laws
6 min read
When Do Motorcycles Have the Right of Way?

Understanding the right of way for motorcycles is crucial for ensuring safety on the roads. By grasping these rules, motorcyclists and other drivers can contribute to a safer, more predictable road environment, reducing the risk of accidents and misunderstandings. Factoid About US Motorcycle Fatalities Statistic Value Description Percentage of Motorcycles (Registered Vehicles) 3% Motorcycles make…

Kevin Crockett
March 7, 2024
What Happens if You Don't Report an Accident Within 24 Hours?
Driving Laws
8 min read
What Happens if You Don’t Report an Accident Within 24 Hours?

Not reporting an accident within 24 hours can lead to legal troubles, fines, penalties, or even charges, impacting insurance claims and fault establishment. Timely reporting ensures rights protection and evidence preservation.

Kevin Crockett
February 9, 2024
What Does a Car Registration Look Like?
Driving Laws
7 min read
What Does a Car Registration Look Like?

Car registration links a vehicle to its owner, ensuring legal road use. Kevin Crockett offers expertise for navigating these requirements.

Kevin Crockett
February 9, 2024

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