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Come to a complete stop as if facing a red light, treat the intersection as a four-way stop, and yield to vehicles and pedestrians according to right-of-way rules.
When merging with freeway traffic, you should try to merge at or near the speed of the traffic flow to ensure a safe transition into the freeway, minimizing disruptions and risk of accidents.
Physically turn to look out the rear window and check your surroundings, including blind spots. Accelerate slowly and avoid relying solely on mirrors or your horn for safety.
The Slow-Moving Vehicle (SMV) sign is a fluorescent orange triangle with a red reflective border. It warns approaching drivers to slow down for vehicles moving at 25 mph or less.
In a recent year, failure to yield resulted in 3.40% of tragic incidents ending in fatalities and nearly 17% (4.98% + 12.02%) causing suspected severe or minor injuries.
Not exchanging information after an accident can result in serious legal consequences and fines ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
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