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3 Types of Family Trauma from an Unforeseen or Unexpected Wrongful Death

Managing Partner

3 min read
3 min read



Almost every wrongful death is completely unexpected or unforeseen. Unexpected wrongful death is clearly a critical point not only and the upcoming lawsuit, but in the family’s everyday life. As they continue going to work and keeping up their household, they’re still carrying their grief.

If you and your family recently had an unexpected wrongful death, it might seem like you have to work harder and try harder around the house. Income trauma, legal battles, and the loss of family connections are common types of trauma that the family experiences together. At Crockett Law Group, we help families pursue unexpected wrongful death cases, and we’ve seen these types of trauma again and again. Here we’re going to explain a bit about each type of common trauma and how they can play a factor in a wrongful death claim.

Family Connection – Loss of Companionship and More

The civil procedure of moving forward for the wrongful death case often falls to his family. Initially, the deceased surviving spouse, partner, or children are the ones expected to take action. In some situations, if there are no surviving spouse, partner, or children, a former spouse, their stepchildren, or even parents of an adult can take action.

The reason that so many people can take legal motions against the at-fault party is that they have also experienced a loss of companionship. Initially, through an unexpected wrongful death claim, only the most affected will begin legal recourse. For example, a surviving spouse would be the one to start the lawsuit, and over the course of the lawsuit and demands for the compensation, they would include or at least consider the lost companionship and family connection felt by their children or parents. They only have two years to take this action.

Family connection covers a variety of trauma. In fact, it’s the type of trauma that comes up years later. When the family may have believed that they moved on from the tragic loss of their father, one of the children may realize that as they’re preparing to get married, their father won’t be there.  These major milestones in life events will be ongoing reminders of that lost family connection.

Household Income Trauma

Family connection covers an innately emotional type of trauma. However, most people are hesitant to talk about the most physical type of trauma felt by family members after the passing of a loved one. Household income trauma. The loss of income from a primary provider or a partial provider it’s just the cherry on top of all of the outstanding bills and debt that come with an unexpected loss.

Families are often stuck paying for funeral expenses and outstanding medical expenses if the person receives Medical Care before passing. They’re left with hospital bills, doctor’s bills, and more. Then on top of it, the income coming into the household is substantially reduced.

We understand that people don’t like talking about the money lost because of a loved one’s death, and it’s clear that the value of life is far more precious and can’t be put on the same plane as financial losses. However, when families don’t see compensation for the loss of income, they can spend years trying to dig themselves out of debt.

Unavoidable Legal Battles

Some legal battles are outright unavoidable. If the wrongful death was related to a car accident or a workplace accident, then there might be legal proceedings without the family taking action. The at-fault driver might face criminal charges. The company responsible for an on-the-job death might undergo various government investigations.

A civil trial for compensation for the loss experienced through the wrongful death is the one legal situation that the family can have some control over. A government investigation or criminal charges against a drunk driver won’t usually involve the family, although they still have a great impact on all the surviving family members.

Get Support With an Unexpected Wrongful Death Attorney in Orange County

At Crockett Law Group, we understand that an unexpected wrongful death takes a family in more ways than one. No matter how the accident or incident took place, we’ll work with your family to help safeguard your best interest.  The trauma your family experienced because of the loss of a family member shouldn’t go unnoticed or unaddressed. Your family may need financial compensation for tangible elements of the loss, such as funeral expenses and outstanding hospital bills.

With support from Crockett Law Group in Orange County, you can get help in explaining the other types of trauma your family has experienced through the loss. Our attorneys work side-by-side with your family. Contact us directly for support, and we’ll help explain what legal options you have, and how you can present the family as part of the wrongful death claim.

Kevin received both his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of California, Irvine. He is the managing partner of Text Kevin Accident Attorneys and is recognized as a standout in plaintiffs’ litigation for personal injury law by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected legal peer-review publisher. Kevin has written for several law magazines and is an award-winning car accident lawyer in California.

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Kevin received both his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of California, Irvine. He is the managing partner of Text Kevin Accident Attorneys and is recognized as a standout in plaintiffs’ litigation for personal injury law by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected legal peer-review publisher. Kevin has written for several law magazines and is an award-winning car accident lawyer in California.

Kevin Crockett

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