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Personal Injury Blog

The latest car accident and personal injury law insights and opinions.

Car Accident

car accident losses
Car Accident
3 min read
Compensation: When Accident Losses Exceed Insurance Policy Limits

When you are involved in an Orange County accident, you are likely to suffer a wide range of losses including paying compensation. These may include physical injury, vehicular damages, pain and suffering, as well as long-term losses such as lost wages. When the other driver is at fault, you have the option of recouping compensatory…

Kevin Crockett
October 3, 2021
passenger in car crash
Car Accident
3 min read
How to Seek Compensation as a Passenger in an Orange County Car Crash?

If you have been involved in an Orange County accident as a passenger and suffered injuries, you may be entitled to compensatory damages. Filing a claim and recovering damages as a passenger is different from recovering compensation as a driver involved in the crash. This is why you will typically need the help of an…

Kevin Crockett
September 11, 2021
Car Accident
3 min read
Who Is Liable in an Irvine Car Accident on Private Property?

When you are involved in a car crash on a public road, it is standard procedure to report the car crash to the authorities. Law enforcement officers from the local, county, or state agencies then typically arrive on the crash scene and file a car crash report. An Orange County car accident attorney can later…

Kevin Crockett
September 7, 2021
Two drivers arguing after traffic accident
Car Accident
3 min read
Should You Accept Cash Compensation at the Crash Scene?

If the other party offers you cash on the site, should you pocket it? Car accidents in Irvine, CA can result in damages ranging from minor to major. Minor car crash damage typically includes damage to the vehicle. Major damage may extend to your person and can include serious personal injuries. In either case, it…

Kevin Crockett
August 21, 2021
Two drivers arguing after traffic accident
Car Accident
3 min read
Are Orange County Car Accidents Classified As Civil or Criminal Cases?

What is a criminal case? How does it differ from a civil case? Which of these are car accidents classed into? If you have been involved in an Orange County crash, it is important to understand how you can seek compensatory damages. The first thing to consider is the fault. If you can prove that…

Kevin Crockett
August 15, 2021
crash caused by an uninsured driver
Car Accident
3 min read
What to Do in a Crash Caused by an Uninsured Driver?

Getting into a crash with an uninsured driver could have severe consequences. In an Orange County accident, recovering compensatory damages is relatively straightforward if you can show that the other driver was at fault. You file a claim with the insurer of the at-fault driver and then work towards having your claim settled. In doing…

Kevin Crockett
August 7, 2021

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Kevin Crockett

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