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Settling a car accident claim without a lawyer involves knowing your claim’s worth, gathering evidence, and negotiating with insurance, but risks undercompensation.
UIM coverage is essential for costs exceeding the at-fault driver’s insurance; having ample coverage provides financial safety.
Crockett Law Group guide on skid recovery emphasizes calmness and correct maneuvers to prevent accidents and ensure vehicle control.
If uninsured and not at fault in an accident, you may still claim damages from the at-fault driver’s insurance, despite facing potential penalties for lacking insurance.
If you have a car accident and your car is “totaled,” meaning that the repair cost is more than the car’s value, you might face some challenges. Not only will your routine be disrupted, but you might also owe more money on your car loan than what your car is worth. This is called being…
Not reporting an accident within 24 hours can lead to legal troubles, fines, penalties, or even charges, impacting insurance claims and fault establishment. Timely reporting ensures rights protection and evidence preservation.
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