Off-Road Crash Near Riverside Kills One, Injures Two

An off-road crash near Riverside close to the La Sierra district resulted in the death of one person. Another two suffered serious injuries in the crash. The fatal incident occurred on the night of Friday, August 6. According to the details shared by the authorities, the crash near Riverside involved a single vehicle identified as a 2006 Jeep Wrangler. Three occupants were traveling in the vehicle at the time of the crash. These included the driver, a woman, and a young child. The driver was identified as Ruben Armenderes, 52. Armenderes was trying to navigate a steep ridge close to the Cadbury Driver. However, the attempt failed and the driver lost control of the vehicle which then rolled into a canyon. The incident caused serious damage to the vehicle. The driver suffered fatal injuries in the rollover crash. By the time the first responders and paramedics arrived on the scene, Armenderes had succumbed to his injuries. The local firefighters had to hike nearly half a mile before they could reach the wreck of the vehicle. Armenderes was pronounced dead on the scene of the accident. The woman and the child were not named by the authorities. They were identified only as a 50-year-old female and a 10-year-old child. Both suffered serious injuries and were rushed to the Loma Linda University Medical Center via air ambulance. The woman remained in critical condition as of Saturday, August 7. The child was also undergoing emergency treatment but was reported to be in a stable condition. Authorities continue to investigate the crash. A number of other deaths related to off-road driving have occurred in the same area in recent days. In Orange County accidents like these, injured victims may be able to recover compensatory damages from the insurance company with the help of an Orange County car accident attorney. Source:
Kevin Crockett

Kevin Crockett

Kevin Crockett is an award-winning personal injury lawyer who understands the impact an accident can have on someone’s life. That’s why he aggressively fights for each of his clients.

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