Truck Accident in Irvine: What Are the First Steps?

The things you do in the moments following a truck accident are extremely important. They can make the difference between being paid and not being paid. One of the first questions our clients ask is how much their case is worth. We explain to them that it all depends on the strength of their case. Our truck accident attorneys in Irvine have years of experience handling truck accident cases. They understand just how important it is to take certain steps immediately following a truck accident. When we get our driver’s license at the ripe old age of sixteen or seventeen, nobody teaches us what to do in case of an accident. Our parents pack our trunks with an emergency road kit. We set our phone to a preferred GPS application. We even make sure we have blankets and water in case we get stranded. However, most people have no clue what to do if they get into a truck accident. This is where personal injury lawyers in Irvine, California come in. Here, we’re going to discuss the steps you need to take in the minutes following your truck accident. As long as you don’t miss any of these steps, you’ll have a good chance of being compensated for your injuries. If, however, you ignore this advice, you could walk away with nothing.

You Have to Call the Police – No Matter What

One of the biggest mistakes our clients make is not calling the cops immediately after their truck accident. Sometimes, people involved in a motor vehicle accident agree to swap insurance information and go on their way. They don’t realize that, without a police report, it can be near impossible to pursue a legal claim for damages. One of the reasons you need to call the cops is because the law says you have to report the crash. Even if nobody is seriously injured, there was bound to be damage to the vehicles. The other reason you need to call the police is that they’ll do a thorough investigation of the crash scene. Once you leave the site, there’s no way to go back and do this sort of investigation. Your truck accident attorney in Irvine sure can’t go back and recreate the scene. The main reason your attorney needs the police report is that it contains vital information they’ll need to file your claim. Some of the information in that report includes:
  • Names and contact information for both drivers
  • Contact information for any eyewitnesses
  • Pictures of the crash scene
  • Description of the road conditions
  • Notes about any tickets issued
Without this report, you’re tying your lawyer’s hands. They won’t be able to go back and find witnesses without the police report. Nor will they be able to prove the other driver was speeding at the time of the crash (or drunk.) Truck accident in Irvine California

You Have to Go to the Emergency Room

When you get hit by a truck, your body suffers an extreme impact. But your body also produces a lot of adrenaline. You may think you’re absolutely fine after your crash. You may refuse to go to the hospital. You just want to get home or back to work. This is a huge mistake. In the hours after your truck accident, the last thing you’re probably thinking of is whether your insurance claim will be paid. Weeks later, when you get a denial letter, you realize you have no way of proving that you were hurt. In order for your personal injury lawyer in Irvine, California to prove your damages, they need to show that you were injured. If you wait days or weeks to go to the emergency room, there’s no way to prove that your injuries were caused by the crash. The trucker’s lawyer will say that something other than the crash caused your injuries. If you have no medical records to prove otherwise, you may lose your case.

Don’t Wait Too Long to File Your Insurance Claim

If you’ve ever looked at your insurance policy, you’ll notice there are rules about filing a new claim. You can’t wait to file your claim because there’s a chance it’ll be denied. Most policies say that new claims have to be reported within a reasonable time. It probably doesn’t go further than that. They do this on purpose. By not specifying a certain time frame, your insurance company has carte blanche in determining what is reasonable and what is not. If you wait just five days or a week to file your claim, they can say you didn’t file it in time. Thankfully, your personal injury lawyer in Irvine can dispute this. They’ll file an appeal on your behalf. If that doesn’t work, you can always file a lawsuit.

Make Sure to Take Note of the Company the Trucker Works For

Unlike most car accidents, truck accidents in California typically involve commercial drivers. If you get into a truck accident, therefore, you may need to file suit against multiple parties. For example, you would need to pursue both the truck driver and the company they work for. You may even have to name the truck’s manufacturer in your complaint. It all depends on the facts of your case. Your truck accident attorney in Irvine will name all potential defendants in your truck accident lawsuit. This could include any of the following:
  • Truck driver
  • The company the driver works for
  • Company’s insurance company
  • Driver’s insurance company
  • The company that services the commercial vehicle
  • The manufacturer of the truck or its component part
This can become very complicated very fast. This is why it’s in your best interest to have a legal professional by your side.

Speak With Our Truck Accident Attorneys in Irvine Today

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you may have a claim for damages. The only way to know for sure is to talk to one of our personal injury attorneys in Irvine, California. Call today and schedule your free, initial consultation.
Kevin Crockett

Kevin Crockett

Kevin Crockett is an award-winning personal injury lawyer who understands the impact an accident can have on someone’s life. That’s why he aggressively fights for each of his clients.

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