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Palm Springs Slip and Fall Lawyer

Managing Partner

7 min read
7 min read



Slip and fall accidents are prevalent occurrences in places where maintenance is happening round the clock. If the floors’ cleaning in a building occurs during the daytime, more people are likely to slip and fall. If your accident was caused by negligence, a Palm Springs slip and fall lawyer can help you get compensation.

This is important because you will be facing medical bills and other expenses after being injured in a fall. Besides, any time you spend away from your job while recovering will have to be compensated. The legal documentation needed for such a claim is also taken care of by the lawyer, and as such, you can focus on your recovery.

At the Crockett Law Group, our experienced Palm Springs personal injury attorney has won millions for clients and will fight to get you the best possible compensation. Call [phone] today for your free case review.

What are the Most Common Slip and Fall Accidents?

Slip and fall accidents can happen because of wet floors, uneven steps, and many other conditions. Some of the most common causes include:

Structural Defects

A lack of proper upkeep and maintenance of a building or business premise can develop into uneven steps, torn carpeting, broken tiles, and potholes in the parking lot. These are likely to cause these accidents owing to the nature of the structural defects. They are usually hidden into the building’s décor, and it is easy to get tangled up in them.

Poorly Lit Hallways and Walkways

Unlit walkways are likely to cause falls while walking on them in dark conditions. Without proper lighting, it is easy to slip on objects on the way and fall, causing injuries.

Broken Staircases and Malfunctioning Escalator

A staircase that has a missing handrail is complicated to use. It is also more likely to cause injuries and leads to more slip and fall accidents. An escalator with defects or errors will also stop functioning or go way out of the safe parameters while it is in use. It will cause accidents and serious injuries when a mishap occurs while it is being used.

Wet floors, Walkways, and Staircases

Cleaning the premises while moving about is not a healthy practice. It is much better to have the night shift team clean up the building after everyone has left. When the cleaning occurs when there are still people moving about, the wet surfaces are likely to cause several slip and fall accidents.

Uncleaned Spills in Stores and Hospitals

Sometimes, a slip and fall accident can get you in contact with a dangerous chemical. It happens when the hospital has not cleaned up all the spills that take place. The exposure from such an accident is hazardous, and you must be compensated for the damage in full.

Wet Floor sign in store

Dangerous Debris like Tree Branches

After felling trees or trimming them in the course of a maintenance run, the resulting branches on the ground must be removed. When they are left lying around, they are more likely to cause slip and fall injuries. The people who get tripped up on these branches will likely experience severe injuries as a result.

Ice or Snow that hasn’t been Salted or Shoveled Away

Weather conditions during the winter are likely to leave an accumulation of snow outside. If this is not correctly removed, the walkways will still be full of potentially hazardous obstacles. Tripping and slipping on these will cause accidents and injuries, leading to lawsuits against the company that owns and maintains the building.

Failing to Install Storm Drains, Gutters, and Anti-Slip Devices During Heavy Snowfall and Rainfall

Such a failure is likely to create hazardous conditions for the people still moving about. The lack of safety measures will mean that most of the excess water will not have been drained away, and slipping will be very likely.

Failure to Place Warning/Caution Signs or Restrict Potentially Dangerous Areas

Whenever any of the above-listed conditions exist, the place should be limited or a warning sign erected to warn everyone. Failure to do so will mean that people will still venture into danger due to a lack of signs.

Kevin is TERRIFIC!

“I had a bad slip and fall accident last year while I had gone to check on my Dad who had been in a bad car accident. My Dad had hired him as his attorney due to this car accident and has told Kevin what had happened to me while checking on my Dad. From the beginning Kevin kept me updated on my case, checked up on me to see how I was and was always honest with me. Since I wasn’t in the actual car accident, but I did shatter my right femor and fractured my left elbow, I didn’t think I would be any way compensated. Kevin fought for me and got me a settlement! Thank you so much Kevin! I really didn’t think I would see a penny since my injuries were so substantial. Kevin is AWESOME!!!”


How Can a Palm Springs Slip and Fall Lawyer Help Me With My Case?

With the help of an attorney, you will be more likely to get fully compensated following a slip and fall accident. The incident will not go unreported, and the responsible parties will be held to account.

The lawyer will help in the preparation of a solid case against the company or business involved. A lot of documentation is required for such incidences and whenever it happens, taking photographs of the accident scene is essential. Together with other reports, the Palm Springs slip and fall accident lawyer will ensure that you have something reliable to work with.

A lawyer also ensures that your case goes to completion and does not get chocked up in the system. Their experience means that they know where deadlocks exist in the system. They will ensure that such limitations are properly tackled, and you can receive the total compensation for your injuries.

What Steps Can Be Taken to Help a Slip and Fall Case?

Any time you slip and fall in a public place, the following steps will ensure that you get compensated for your injuries.

  • Take as many photos as you can of the scene, its state of upkeep, and the injuries that you have sustained as a result.
  • Report the incident to a manager in the building and notify them that a slip and fall accident has occurred.
  • Record the names and numbers of witnesses who saw you fall in public.
  • If you will require medical attention, ensure that this is attended to immediately.
  • If you can manage it, see that the problem is handled right away instead of stretching it for longer than is comfortable. Follow the proper channels and ensure that your incident gets the necessary attention that it deserves.
A woman meeting with a lawyer to discuss filing a claim for injuries sustained by a dog bite.

How Can a Slip and Fall Accident be Proved?

First, your attorney must prove the owner of the property knew about an unsafe condition or should have known about it if they were taking proper care of the property. For instance, if the owner knew about the existence of the unrepaired structures in the building, they are responsible for taking measures to protect visitors.

Your attorney needs to show the property owner didn’t adequately protect visitors from a safety risk. The owner may not have a loose railing. It might be that there were no posted signs to inform visitors of the danger lurking on the property. In such cases, it is possible to prove the owner is at fault.

Proving fault involves taking note of the conditions that surround the accident itself. For instance, was there ongoing maintenance at the time of the incidence? Did the cleaning staff put up warning signs before proceeding to pour cleaning agents on the floor? Were the structural defects reported to the management of the property in good time? Knowing this can help prove the property management and owner are liable for the damage.

How is Liability Determined in a Palm Springs, California Slip and Fall Case?

The determination of liability in filing a slip and fall accident injury claim makes use of some information. As such, you might be asked questions like:

  • Was there enough reason for you to be on the property at the time of the incident?
  • Would you have been more cautious had you noticed the dangerous condition? If you were not distracted, would you have been able to avoid the accident?
  • Was there a warning sign provided by the property owner about the dangerous condition that led to your slip and fall accident?
  • Were any of the activities you were engaged in at the time of the accident contributor to your injury?

The answers to these questions will determine on whose shoulder the liability lies. The property owner’s negligence and ignorance of essential warning signs are some pointers to a successful claim. To know if you have a case and can successfully sue, you should have your case evaluated by a qualified attorney. We offer a free consultation, so don’t wait to contact us.

How Much is My Slip and Fall Case Worth?

Palm Spring Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Infographic

Several factors will determine the value of your case.

Medical Costs

Your medical treatment cost following the injury that you incur as a result of the accident and the sum of your bills will influence the value of your case. You can request reimbursement for all your treatment costs during your recovery. Keeping good records of your appointments, what treatment you receive, and your medical bills to ensure you don’t miss out on compensation.

Man getting physical therapy for knee injury from slip and fall


The at-fault party should compensate you for all the expenses you incur as a direct consequence of the slip and fall accident. For instance, you might have to hire a housekeeper or nanny while you are recovering. Save all receipts and proof of the expenses arising out of the accident for the best case. If you can’t work while you recover, you’re entitled to compensation for lost wages. If you need to train for another field of work after recovery, the property owner will be required to take care of the expenses.

Non-Economic Damages

There are other losses such as depression, anxiety, and other different psychological impacts of the accident. These are difficult to place an amount on but are known to impact your life quality. You can claim non-economic damages for these types of losses.

No matter how good your case is, insurance companies always work on aggressive defenses to invalidate your claim. With a good lawyer, you will get the best representation possible. They will be able to gather the best evidence and develop the best strategies for your case. They will create a better case with you and ensure that witnesses are retained to back up your claims.

Local Results

Elderly Woman Receives $125,000 Settlement After Slipping on Wet Cement at Golf Course

Case TypeSlip and Fall Accident
LocationPalm Springs, CA

Are there any Time Limits for Filing a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?

California Code of Civil Procedure 335.1 gives Palm Springs, California victims two years within which they should file a case. It is vital that you have all your evidence gathered and witnessed prepared within two years of the accident. You should contact a lawyer as soon as possible so they can gather evidence and prepare a case that will stand up in court.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Palm Springs Slip and Fall Lawyer

If you were hurt in a slip and fall accident, having a skilled lawyer is essential if you want to receive the compensation you deserve for all the expenses and medical bills. Proving liability in these cases can be complicated. An experienced attorney will examine the incident and all the conditions that surround and prepare the strongest possible case. You stand to receive more in compensation with a skilled lawyer. You also reduce the hassle that you have to go through before getting justice.

A good Palm Springs slip and fall accident lawyer at the Crockett Law Group will ensure that you get the best legal representation. For a free consultation, call us at (888) 965-3827.

Kevin received both his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of California, Irvine. He is the managing partner of Text Kevin Accident Attorneys and is recognized as a standout in plaintiffs’ litigation for personal injury law by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected legal peer-review publisher. Kevin has written for several law magazines and is an award-winning car accident lawyer in California.

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Hit and Run Accident

Teamwork makes claims work every time
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  • Skillful navigation through complex legal processes
  • Hold accountable those who flee the scene

More winning, less hassle with us

Transform car accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Get support for your injury claim
  • Secure compensation with proven success
  • Strategize to win and maximize your value
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Kevin Crockett, Managing Partner

"Experience unity at our firm as I bring legal teams together for seamless collaboration and communication, ensuring successful navigation of car accident cases."

Answers, support, & solutions all in one place

Transform personal injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Evaluate medical records for details and severity
  • Negotiate settlements with insurance companies
  • Represent clients in court for litigation
Kelly Gales photo
Kelly Gales, Attorney

"Our legal team significantly accelerates personal injury claims, reducing delays when you choose us for your case."

The complete legal solution

Transform truck accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Investigate liability to determine fault
  • Pursue maximum compensation from insurers
  • Navigate complex regulations for successful claims
Kayla Johns
Kayla Johns, Case Manager

“At Text Kevin, we keep clients informed with crucial updates, paving the way for successful resolutions in every case we handle.”

Jackknife Accident icon Jackknife Accident
Rollover Accident icon Rollover Accident
Underride Accident Underride Accident
Wide Turn Accident Wide Turn Accident

Deliver results on time, all the time

Transform motorcycle accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Investigate causes to establish liability
  • Pursue compensation from at-fault parties
  • Navigate legal complexities for effective claims
Mike photo
Mike Buhler, Intake Manager

Streamline communication with insurers and eliminate headaches when you partner with us for your injury claim.”

Lane Splitting Accident Lane Splitting Accident
Left Turn Accident icon Left Turn Accident
Lane Switching Accident icon Lane Switching Accident
Corner Turning Accident Corner Turning Accident

Succeed on claims with your team

Transform wrongful death challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Establish liability in fatal accidents
  • Pursue compensation for loss and suffering
  • Navigate intricate legal paths for justice
Helen Vu photo
Helen Vu, Junior Case Manager

You can easily share documents and photos with our team, and we’ll handle the rest for a seamless resolution of your case.”

Total commitment to guide you through

Transform bicycle accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Establish fault in bicycle collision investigations
  • Pursue compensation for injuries and damages
  • Navigate legal complexities for fair resolution
Ryan Gloudeman
Ryan Gloudeman, Law Clerk

“With Text Kevin, you can regain lost hours managing claims yourself. We not only save you time, but expedite the process.”

Dooring Accident icon Dooring Accident
Intersection Accident Intersection Accident
Right Hook Accident Right Hook Accident
Left Hook Accident Left Hook Accident

Manage most any type of claim

Transform catastrophic injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Get a free consult for potential compensation
  • Establish a robust legal strategy
  • Pursue litigation avenues for your injury claim
Jonathan Haskett photo
Jonathan Haskett, Marketing Coordinator

Stay connected throughout your case with quick and easy text communication, ensuring regular updates and timely alerts on the next steps.”

Forge results your way

Transform pedestrian accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Rapid injury evaluation for pedestrian accident cases 
  • Swift and strategic legal support for victims 
  • Maximize compensation with proactive legal guidance
Garrett Syke photo
Garrett Syke, Case Assistant

We simplify your injury claim by organizing your case and narrating your story to the insurance company so you don’t have to.”

Never face legal battles alone again

Transform brain injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Maximize compensation for traumatic brain injuries
  • Swiftly resolve cases for financial relief
  • Experience compassionate guidance for your TBI
Kevin icon
Kevin Crockett, Managing Partner

We help visualize what results you want from your injury case and adjust our strategies to help you achieve it.”

Concussion Concussion
Coup Contrecoup Coup Contrecoup
Hematoma icon Hematoma
Skull Fracture Skull Fracture

Set your path to legal success

Transform spinal cord injury challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Optimize compensation for spinal cord injury victims
  • Navigate legal intricacies with effective representation
  • Offer empathetic support throughout your recovery
Craig Crockett photo
Craig Crockett, Partner

Leverage our legal team to passionately advocate for you and witness us fight to achieve the results you’re looking for.”

spinal cord injury Spinal Cord Contusion
Compression Fracture Compression Fracture
Herniated Disc Injury icon Herniated Disc
Cauda Equina Syndrome Cauda Equina Syndrome

Collaborate on solutions together

Transform Uber accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Drive your Uber accident claim to success
  • Chart a clear route through insurance complexities 
  • Cruise through legal challenges with our support
Kelly Gales
Kelly Gales, Attorney

Initiate and schedule meetings instantly with our legal team, ensuring prompt notifications on the progress of your case at every step.”

Driver Fatigue Accident Driver Fatigue Accident
Distracted Driving Accident Distracted Driving
Speeding Accident icon Speeding Accident
Driver Inexperience Driver Inexperience

Lead your case to legal success

Transform DUI accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Championing justice for DUI crash survivors 
  • Crafting powerful cases for injury compensation 
  • Hold responsible parties accountable for their actions
Craig Crockett photo
Craig Crockett, Partner

"At Text Kevin, we value your time and expedite claim processes, providing efficient and exceptional service."

Alcohol Impaired Driving Alcohol Impaired Driving
Drug Impaired Driving Drug Impaired Driving
DUI With Drugs and Alcohol DUI with Drugs & Alcohol
Drowsy Driving Drowsy Driving

Teamwork makes claims work every time

Transform hit & run accident challenges into triumphs with our dedicated legal support.

  • Swift investigation of unidentified perpetrators  
  • Skillful navigation through complex legal processes
  • Hold accountable those who flee the scene
Mike photo
Mike Buhler, Intake Manager

“Here, we're all about teamwork, ensuring seamless collaboration among legal teams for successful case outcomes.”

Driver Intoxication Driver Intoxication
Uninsured Driver Uninsured Driver
No License No License
Stolen Vehicle Stolen Vehicle

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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Irvine based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Orange County.

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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Anaheim based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Orange County.

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Team Kevin Crockett Law


I'm Kevin Crockett, your Santa Ana based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Orange County.

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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Moreno Valley based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in the Inland Empire.

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TEAM Kevin Crockett Law
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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Norwalk based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in Los Angeles County.

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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Indio based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in the Coachella Valley.

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I'm Kevin Crockett, your Palm Springs based personal injury lawyer at Text Kevin Accident Attorneys. Specializing in various accidents, we secure victories for our clients with a proven track record. You only pay when we win. Serving Spanish speakers, we offer free 24/7 consultations for reliable legal support in the Coachella Valley.

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Kevin received both his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of California, Irvine. He is the managing partner of Text Kevin Accident Attorneys and is recognized as a standout in plaintiffs’ litigation for personal injury law by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected legal peer-review publisher. Kevin has written for several law magazines and is an award-winning car accident lawyer in California.

Kevin Crockett

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